Monday, September 28, 2009

Thank You!

Thanks to Joel from "So You Want to Teach" for sharing my blog. I have been doing a lot of reflecting recently about where I am in my attitude towards teaching and where I've been. If you've read much of my blog, you've known much about my frustrations and doubts. It is time, now, for me to share some of my inspirations. I have dealt with a couple of difficult colleagues, a couple of difficult parents, and a couple of difficult kids. I have also been privileged to deal with some amazing people. They don't read this blog, because I blog anonymously, but I still want to say thank you in some cosmic way. My next series of posts will be thank you letters for people who helped me and are helping me find my way as a teacher. This first one is to a student I have this year in my third grade classroom (names have been changed).

Dear Xing,

At Meet the Teacher, when I first met you, I was at a crossroads as a teacher. I wasn't teaching a gradelevel I wanted to teach. I wasn't feeling confident in my abilities as a teacher. I was passively planning to do my job because I couldn't think of a better option.

I remember when you walked in that hot, August night. You looked so little to me! I remember I was talking veraciously to you, and you were looking at me with your curious eyes. The words I was saying were nonsense to you, and you were so scared to enter a world where nothing made sense. It was your first year in the country and I knew you would remember it forever.

I went home that night and I cried. How could I be there for your first year in this new world and fail to give you and our classroom my whole heart? I knew I couldn't do that. Thank you for helping me change my mind.

You came to school not even knowing your name in English. You wore a brave smile every day. You helped me remember why I want to do this.

Now you are speaking short sentences and reading little books. You smile and wave and greet me with my name every morning. Your Uncle is always thanking me for my patience with you. I know, though, that no matter how much you learn this year you taught me more.

Yours Truly,
Ms. Understood

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