Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Letter to My Teammates of Two Years

Dear Mrs. Bear, Mrs. Dear, and Mr. Bull,

When I first met the three of you, it was hard for me to resist the urge to call you Mrs. and Mr. instead of using your first names. You all seemed like real teachers, and I had been a student for sixteen years. You are all old enough to be my parents and it would have been really easy for you to just roll your eyes when a twenty-two year old novice teacher joined your team. I expected you to feel that way, and I wouldn't have blamed you.

You never had the attitudes I anticipated. You all treated me like an important member of the team, and you believed in me from day one. You have been and always will be that voice in my head that told me I am making a difference and should keep trying.

I remember on the day when the principal told me she was making me move to third grade and I was so sad watching all three of you fight back tears. I know, Mrs. Bear that you were crying in your room later because you didn't want to make things any worse for me. You guys moved all my stuff and kept being great teammates to me even when I wasn't your teammate anymore.

I like the team that I am on now and they've been great to me as well. My new team thinks that when I came to your team two years ago that you were so lucky to get me out of all the new hires, but I know that your faith in me is what made me learn so much. I also know that I owe you three a bigger thank you than I'll ever owe them because you had me when I was learning and struggling. I always hoped that I would be a good investment for our team because I would continue to grow and learn; as you know, it didn't work out that way. I'll continue to have new teammates and do different things throughout my career, but you three will always be a part of that because I try to be a little like all of you in my teaching.

Miss You,
Ms. Understood

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