Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Notoreity Continues

I was checking the local news website to see what the hold up on the freeway was this afternoon, and I came upon another story about a local principal resigning due to moral indiscretion. "Finally," I thought to myself, "a different district in the news. Maybe these things happen everywhere." Guess what: It wasn't a different district! The news has uncovered a third principal from my district who has been forced to resign due to moral indiscretion. That's right, this happened three times in my rather small district last year. I already knew about this--gossip spreads fast--but it is seriously embarassing to work here right now.

All of these things that go on do bother me. Honestly, it bothers me more that the district refuses to own up. They keep talking about how they took action in a timely manner. Hmmmm, does that nullify the fact that they hired three separate administrators who are facing criminal charges?

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